P-dox Religion in English

P-dox Religion in English

P-DOX Religion. What is it?

2008. február 13. - iorguDesign

It is an entirely Hungarian found religion, and as it is fitted: we Hungarians are the chosen people of Karakutty, the creator of God.


[P-DOX vallás magyar nyelven]

The P-DOX Religion has been founded on 10th of August 2000, and it has been living its test period until the May of 2004. Which was held in several internet discussion forums and on societal corporations. Some of the most important to features of the P-DOX religion founded by elemer Gábor Iván (IGe) are:

  • According to the followers, P-DOX is a religion that possesses man centred tenets, funny, neither not god-believer, nor not atheist religion. A third (or the many-nth) worldview branch has been brought into existence.
  • The general God concept is kept by them to be a special man emotion, and as such they view its existence as a scientific fact, they don't believe it nor do they negate it, they simply know. They are "God knowers",
  • They consider the several god-beliefs as curable "soul diseases" and through teaching work - by the words Gábor Iván - "and with the production and spreading of the healing thought-virus vaccines, they help our fellow man recover from this disease."
  • They recommend everyone to create an independent religion.
  • According to them, the judging the religions, to be able to criticise the religions, or the filantropist skepticism against the religions, is considered to be the same human right as practising the religions.
  • The members of the religion advertise the advantages of the believing in nothing against believing in anything or atheism.
  • They popularise the humour, the knowledge and the independent human thinking. They build a harmony of man with himself and the world without lies and self-deception.

Vehement debates about the principles of p-dox

Many argue that the P-DOX is a religion at all, or just a movement, despite of having all the major requirements of which a particular worldview can be considered a religion. In any case, it is undeniable that it is included in a lot of places under religious classification, but we can also find it in several places in the humour articles.

According to the founder of the religion, during the test period, he has written appox. 35-40 thousand posts in various internet forums and organisations. During this period he made many peculiar experiments and claimed to have consciously taken on the role of "excited clown".

For the analysis of further controversial topics and for clarity, here is a permitted citation from the writings of the P-DOX religion:

"Most religions are spread by thought viruses, also known as memes. Practically with innervation. Building a variety of often completely meaningless and illogical constraints in people of speech, emotion, behaving and thinking. Furthermore, it is also a fact that theism, may it be any kind of it, is an illogical thing. The individual also gives up the logical thinking and sense of criticism in the area infected with the belief virus. Experiments have shown that this lost area can be recovered. So it turned out that theism is just a curable mental illness. There may be many ways to heal, but the most effective one was born by modelling one of the biblical sayings. All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. So whoever takes "stupidity", thought viruses against others, shall "perish" with "stupidity" and thought viruses. Of course here the loss does not entail any disadvantage for the individual nor for the society, only beneficial consequences."

There are heated debates about these and other claims of the P-DOX religion, on various Internet forums, and on the discussion board here, just as there are debates about other claims of other religions, churches, atheists, or science. In any case, according to its founder, "everyone has the opportunity to choose or create their own religion, the principles and claims of which they agree with".

According to the religion, the atheistic part of atheism is also an untenable idea, since the existence of the general God defined by logical demand is a fact. Furthermore, atheists typically deny only the biblical special God, which also means their influence with their thought viruses.

The description of the P-DOX religion states that it does not strive for exclusivity, and encourages everyone to establish their own religion. It is also stated in its description that it does not consider itself the best religion either, because according to its religious principles there is no best religion. It does not necessarily require you to agree with its principles, it simply describes and disseminates its principles. It is openly described as the first openly self-contradictory religion in the world that also teaches by presenting self-contradictory examples. The word absurd is also used as self-characterisation. In addition to self-contradictory examples in their teachings, irony, humour, and sarcasm are also very strong elements. Therefore, it is very difficult and almost impossible to separate that what a religion thinks serious and what not. The laughter at someone not considered bad, but rather a good thing. According to them, the one who is wise and who is sure is not afraid of ridicule. According to their own confession, their teachings can also have a “citizen and comrade-popping” effect. Their religious figures:

  • the First of All Existing and Infinite Karakutty, who created God
  • the creator of Karakutty is the Lost in Nothing, Non-existent Zarahurmara
  • Winnie the Pooh, Snow White and Süsü the Dragon Who "Loves You"


Vehement debates about the existence of the P-DOX members

In online forums and on many websites, including Wikipedia editors, several have suggested that P-DOX actually has a single member, and it is its creator, who creates a number of fictitious figures taking advantage of the anonymity of the internet, even for the purpose of to argue with himself about his “religion” and thus initiate long, fruitless debates in order to mention his creation. In the view of these critics, so far no evidence suggests that the religion has other follower than its creator and possibly some of his close acquaintances.

The founder avoids the exact answer to such questions in all cases by saying that the number and data of their members are also secret and confidential. The only thing that he tells us about is that there are already many more than the critical mass of founding a religion, the is 12 + 1 people, that is 13 people. In his opinion, the number of members of a religion / church in Hungary is elusive anyway. According to him, membership is a very clear thing in other European churches. You can get in and out, and both have visible consequences. He has also stated several times that p-dox originated as his own individual religion and was talked about by his friends to make it a "public treasure." He also stated that the essence of religion is not the number and multitude of members, but the methodology of religion itself and the precision of the ideas launched.

Gábor Iván's conversion or diversionary activity?

Some believe that the founder of this religion (as well as presumably the nicknames of many Internet forums) is very active and stubbornly persistent in converting to the Internet. The essence of this activity is to promote his religion in all possible places (e.g., on topics related to religions, worldviews, or atheism) and then engage in endless debates with its critics. He debates with the religion criticiser (or questioner) opinions until their representatives lose their patience and leave the particular internet forum or topic.

Gábor Iván, abbreviated as IGe (WoRD), repels this opinion with that he used a lot of tricks and tools, aimed, in his view, to be accelerated and peculiar social experiments, as a result of testing p-dox. He does not deny that he used countless nicknames where he argued with himself, and even tried to persecute his religion in addition to the fact that some in reality attacked him very harshly, both his real personality and the possibilities of the internet. He calls those self-contradictory who mentions his activity to be conversion, as in his opinion it could be max. a hijacking of faith. According to him it is not possible to convert everyone to non-belief and to establish an independent religion when somebody encourages. It's not possible to convert everyone to be an independent personality when someone asks.

"Logical image of god" according to P-DOX

According to this (disputed by many) division, there are special Gods (Zeus, the biblical God, Allah, Re, Great Manitu, Mithras, Gaia, etc.) who, according to the teachings of the pedox, logically extinguish each other so that either can be universally true. So, for example, a world cannot be created by multiple world creator Gods.

According to this theory, the concept of God is generally defined, so the general God is:

"God is a special form of feeling, a type of emotion in the consciousness and unconscious of certain people and groups of people, with which they try to explain the origin, structure and operation of the world and life imaginatively and illogically, and seek solutions to their life situations."

Nevertheless, the above-mentioned "definition" is, according to some narrow opinions, nothing more than a simple copy of Jung's collective unconscious theory. Gábor Iván used to refute this by saying that Jung is fundamentally wrong in defining God, as he describes it as a general human experience, which is not true. Not all people have an experience of God, especially no biblical experience of feeling God.

Do they believe or not?

The position of the p-dox religion on belief is a paradox. It is impossible to decide whether they do or not. According to the founder, they believe. They believe that they believe in nothing. So they have a kind of religious disbelief.


According to Don Cupitt, a Cambridge philosophy professor and his book, "After God: The Future Of Religion," if one does not develop a new language but uses another ideology, the language of religion, one cannot separate from it, but become part of it. The founder of the p-dox religion thus explains that he introduced new words and phrases such as karakuttism. In the wording of the founder, a permitted quote: "Those who believe in god are theists. Who are indifferent to the gods or deny their existence are called an atheists. Those who know that God has a creator are the karakuttists, or pedoxists. Those who deny the existence of God's creator and the existence of pedox religion too are antikarakuttists. The existence of anti-karakuttists is a very important moment in the existence of the p-dox religion, as all religions need, in order to become truly great, those who, with their opposition, their "restrained hatred" of religion, spread that religion essentially free and very effectively, even though their intentions strive to be in contrary to this."

The P-DOX religion was structured to use its opponents as a free advertising medium. They always find a bunch of suckers who promote their religion with their scolding or unbridled hatred.

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